The James Hawthorne
Portland, Oregon
Home Forward The James Hawthorne Apartments is a housing and social services project developed by Home Forward (formerly the Housing Authority of Portland). It serves persons at risk of homelessness and provides 48 apartments above resident medical and counseling services located on the ground floor.
The five story building is located at SW 13th and Clay near Portland State University. The ground floor includes an entry lobby, commercial kitchen, dining room, nurse offices, staff offices, laundry, utility/bicycle storage rooms, trash room, restrooms and mechanical rooms. The second through fifth floors house twelve SRO apartments per floor. Each floor has three private showers, storage room, trash chute and corridor window seats for residents to enjoy views. Residential services on site include: life skills training, substance abuse counseling, medical monitoring and drug dispensing. The project meets the requirements for Earth Advantage Silver and the City of Portland’s “Greening Portland’s Affordable Housing” standards. |